Special Education
Have you encountered challenges when dealing with your child’s school district? Are there times when you aren’t quite sure about the rules, or whether you’re acting in your child’s best interests?
As a parent of a child with special needs, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed or uncertain. You have unique concerns when it comes to your child’s education, their educational setting, and their care at school. You want what is best for your child. You understand that your child’s education plays a major role in their learning to read and write, acquiring appropriate behavior and social skills, and being prepared for further education, employment, or independent living.
Wouldn’t it be great to have a team of advocates beside you, providing effective, even transformational support and guidance?
A Novel Approach
At Hickman Lowder, we blend special education advocacy with legal services, so that your family will get the personalized attention it needs. Our attorneys work hand-in-hand with our Certified Intervention Specialist and Special Education Advocate to provide a seamless experience for you.
During our initial meetings, we listen to your concerns, and assess your child’s educational and personal needs, their circumstances, and your interactions with the school district. We’ll answer all your questions and share specific recommendations. What follows those first meetings depends upon your unique situation, what you wish to accomplish, and how much you would like us to be involved.
For example, we can represent you at IEP or ETR school district meetings, in mediation, or in a due process administrative hearing; we can arrange for an Independent Educational Evaluation; or we can negotiate placement in a special school, if required. For families who wish to have a more comprehensive set of tools, we will prepare a written action plan that contains recommendations and instructions for you, as well as provide ongoing advice about your child’s needs at school and your dealings with the school district. We are here to help you put into place the solutions that work best for your family.
You may not know whether you need a lawyer; you may have just one question that needs to be answered, or you may want someone to represent your family every step of the way. Wherever you are in your journey, we are here for you. Working together as partners, we can make great strides towards accomplishing your goals for your child at school and beyond.
We also invite you to read our Special Education FAQ page and our School Evaluations And Independent Evaluations FAQ page.
How To Reach Us
To learn more, please contact attorney Franklin J. Hickman or call our Northeast Ohio offices at 216-861-0360.