Hickman Lowder

We meet the lifetime legal needs of children and adults with disabilities, the elderly, and their families.

Now Serving: Special Education Alphabet Soup

| Oct 11, 2019 | Special Education

There’s a chill in the air and the leaves are starting to change into beautiful bold fall colors.  It’s a great time to put on those sweaters, relax by the fire, and maybe sit down to a nice warm bowl of soup.  Today Hickman & Lowder is happy to serve you some Alphabet Soup!

The Special Education world is chock full of acronyms that make it even more difficult to understand and communicate with your child’s educators.  We want to make it easier for you.  We just hosted our annual Exceptional Mom’s Day event last weekend (SO…MUCH…FUN!) and had a friendly contest between two brave moms to see who could decode the most.  The moms ran neck and neck and had to be “saved” by the audience when they were both stumped.  Both walked away laughing and smiling, but one had a fresh floral arrangement in hand to take home with her that day.  Winner!

Here are the words from our list.  How many do you know off the top of your head?  Don’t be too concerned if you don’t know the words exactly – focus on the meaning behind it.  Maybe next year we’ll compete to see who can define the terms… I’m thinking we might need to upgrade the prize.  😉

Acronyms for Special Education

ABA        Applied Behavior Analysis

ADA       Americans with Disabilities Act

APE        Adapted Physical Education

BIP         Behavior Intervention Plan

DD          Developmental Delay

ED          Emotional Disturbance

ESY         Extended School Year

ETR        Evaluation Team Report

FAPE      Free Appropriate Public Education

FBA        Functional Behavior Assessment

FERPA    Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

IDEA      Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

IEE         Independent Education Evaluation

IEP         Individual Education Program

MH         Multiple Handicap

OCR       Office of Civil Rights

ODE       Ohio Department of Education

OHI        Other Health Impairment

O&M     Orientation and Mobility

OT          Occupational Therapy

PBS        Positive Behavioral Supports

PLOP      Present Level of Performance

PT           Physical Therapy

SLD        Specific Learning Disability

SLP         Speech and Language Pathologist

SNT        Special Needs Trust

TVI         Teach of Visually Impaired
