Attorney Franklin Hickman discusses the current status of mental health laws in Ohio on Committable, a podcast that focuses on the subject of involuntary commitment. He addresses the processes that relate to an initial detention for evaluation and the potential...
Mental Health
Mental Health is Physical Health Too
As we contemplate the ambiguous term “Mental Health,” it is important to recognize that our mental health is just as important as, and even an integral part of, our physical health. There is a cornucopia of studies that link mental health to the way we feel physically. There is a reason why we feel better after a long walk, a…
Surrogate Decision Making in Mental Health Cases
In many respects, those who suffer from mental health issues fall through the cracks the most – whether that be cracks in the medical system, in public benefits, or in estate planning and guardianship law. People fall through because the system is largely designed to take care of those with physical needs or severe cognitive disorders, not those who look…
Lessons from Making Bread
Solving problems for our clients is stressful work for all involved. It is stressful for our elderly who need care. It is stressful for their spouses. It is stressful for adult children caring for their parents. It is stressful for parents taking care of their loved ones with special needs. Often, the system seems too complicated and the obstacles too…
Meditation to Reduce Stress During Tough Cases
My clients are often faced with very stressful situations. That’s why they come to a lawyer in the first place. This is particularly true if a loved one’s needed government benefits are at stake or if there is a dispute within a family. These are tough, emotionally draining cases for those experiencing the conflict. Recently, I represented a client in…
Our Girls
Girls who struggle with mental health issues, including but not limited to: anxiety, depression, eating disorders, conduct disorders, and panic disorders, are being stigmatized even further in the educational system. They are not qualifying for the specially designed instruction they not only need, but deserve and have a right to receive at their schools. These girls are able to lean-in,…