This time of the year, we celebrate our families.
The newly-enacted Respect for Marriage Act recognizes and affirms that all families deserve basic human rights. At Hickman Lowder Lidrbauch & Welch Co., L.P.A., we not only support all families–we celebrate them.
Members of our Firm are particularly aware of the blessings of families in many forms. Our children collectively represent the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and heterosexual communities. We are proud of our firm family, and we continue to learn and grow alongside our children.
We have supported our children in their journeys. We have proudly attended their weddings and wept with joy that the day was possible. We have celebrated the fundamental rights that have been won so far—but we have also watched in horror as those same liberties are threatened. We’ve lost sleep hoping that the violence we have seen with increasing frequency will not directly touch their lives.
At Hickman Lowder Lidrbauch & Welch Co., L.P.A., we continue to fight for and support all families. We are so proud to celebrate our family and yours. It is our hope for the future that this celebration is universally recognized—not tirelessly fought and won. We look forward to that day for your family and ours.