This summer may be the time to answer that one nagging question that you may have or develop a deeper understanding of certain issues that affect your family. It is important for families and caregivers to understand the fundamental concepts in managing their loved ones’ ongoing care and financial well-being. The Special Needs Alliance (SNA) website is a great place to start!
The SNA is a national organization comprised of attorneys who represent people living with special needs and disabilities, the elderly, and their families. It is an elite, invitation-only organization of the top special needs planning attorneys in all fifty states – there are only about 150 members today. Members contribute and share invaluable information both with other attorneys and the general public.
We encourage you to check out the wealth of information made available to you online. Examples of topics covered on their website include life care planning, special needs trusts, ABLE Accounts, special education, government benefits, and a comprehensive trustee handbook, several of which we have highlighted below.
Handbook for Trustees
Have you been named as trustee of a special needs trust? Are you a trust beneficiary, trying to figure out what the trustee is permitted — and required — to do? The Special Needs Alliance offers a free booklet on administering special needs trusts that can help you understand your choices and obligations.
Regulations Governing ABLE Accounts
Have questions about ABLE accounts? This SNA article covers who qualifies, how to establish an account, who can control it, tax issues, and how trusts impact ABLE accounts.
Changing Laws Affecting Individuals with Special Needs
Do you want to stay up to date on the latest legal developments that may affect your family? The SNA’s public policy arm has been instrumental in getting legislation passed and regulations amended with tremendous benefit to the disability community.
At Hickman Lowder, we are enormously proud of our membership, and our contributions to the SNA. Attorneys Janet Lowder and Elena Lidrbauch are currently the only members of SNA from northern Ohio. Janet served as president of the organization in 2011-2012; and Elena has been an active member of the education committee, planning for their twice-yearly conferences which provide top level, cutting-edge presentations on all aspects of planning for disability.
The SNA offers a wealth of information for those with special needs and their loved ones. As your family’s needs or circumstances change over time, new questions arise. Stay one step ahead with these invaluable resources, written by the top attorneys in their fields, so that you can better plan for the future.