Hickman Lowder

We meet the lifetime legal needs of children and adults with disabilities, the elderly, and their families.

Helping your special needs child navigate teen temptations and topics

02/07/2023 | 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm | Julie Billiart Schools Lyndhurst campus

As students mature into young adults, they often experience a natural desire to “fit in”. This desire can sometimes get children into uncomfortable situations, as they may do whatever it takes to “feel normal”. When children don’t always understand social cues and slang, it adds a level of complexity to an already uncomfortable conversation. In this session, our experts will empower you to have these conversations and support your children in navigating these situations.

Attendees will walk away with:

  • Tips for students navigating middle school and high school
  • Discuss how sex and drugs affect our kids specifically and the added stress of navigating this accessible world
  • Tools for parents for having mature conversations with children

To learn more and register, go to: https://www.juliebilliartschool.org/guiding-parents-and-guardians

Julie Billiart Schools Jay Berk and Associates Hickman & Lowder Co. L.P.A.