Care Advocacy Services
Caring for a loved one with special needs, chronic illness, or an aging parent is often overwhelming. You’re probably worried, frustrated, or even angry about what might happen. Wouldn’t it be comforting to have someone to help you sort through the tangle of choices, make good decisions, and navigate the details?
Our Care Coordinator and attorneys work closely together to connect you with an extensive network of resources, recommend services, monitor your loved one’s progress, and advocate on their behalf. We anticipate changes in their care requirements and provide recommendations about legal documents, financial resources, and their eligibility for public benefits.
There is no “one size fits all” solution. Since every family’s situation is unique, we provide a high level of personalization and flexibility in how we can assist you. We can partner with you for several months or several years, as you see fit. You’ll have peace of mind knowing there is someone to call at every step along the way, ensuring that your loved one receives the care and support they deserve.
What Is Care Advocacy Services?
Care advocacy addresses your loved one’s immediate personal care, legal, and financial needs, while planning for the years ahead.
After an initial assessment is completed, a care plan is crafted to address your family’s specific needs and circumstances. An array of services may be provided under this care plan—it depends upon the needs of your loved one and the best way to ensure those needs are being met.
Assessing Needs And Recommending Care Providers
Families often struggle with finding the proper care. Drawing upon our Care Coordinator’s extensive experience with a network of available services, she will assess and provide recommendations about the type of care needed and guide you through the process of selecting the right care and service providers. As your loved one’s needs change, she will also provide ongoing advice and assistance for your family.
Monitoring And Responding To Your Loved One’s Needs
Your family will have peace of mind knowing that your loved one’s progress will be continually monitored by our care team. Our Care Coordinator will remain in contact to ensure their needs are being met and to provide resources, when necessary. On a monthly basis, she will check in with them and may also assist with tasks, such as:
- Maintaining appropriate housing
- Verification that bills are paid (utilities, providers, groceries, etc.)
- Verification that services are intact and received from the proper providers
- Review of charges from service providers to ensure accuracy
- Review of upcoming medical appointments
- Confirmation that transportation is arranged
- Confirmation that medications are being filled and taken as instructed
Advocating On Your Loved One’s Behalf
Hickman Lowder is committed to ensuring your loved one’s quality of care and will serve as their advocate with service providers, county boards, long-term care facilities, and other service agencies.
Communicating With Care Providers, Family Members And Guardians
In order to achieve the best possible care for your loved one, all members of their care team must be informed and knowledgeable about their care plan, the activities of those responsible for care, and any new developments or changes in needs or care. We will coordinate meetings with family members and service providers, as well as any other relevant parties, acting as the hub for information concerning their care. We will also represent your loved one in ISP meetings, care conferences, and plan of care meetings.
Your Family’s Legal And Financial Needs
Caring for your loved one also means planning ahead—ensuring that the proper legal tools are in place to carry out their wishes and that there will be adequate financial resources to pay for their care in the future. We will provide recommendations about your family’s legal documents, including estate plans, powers of attorney, and trusts. We will review your loved one’s financial resources and their eligibility for public benefits. We also ensure that all appropriate documents are updated concerning guardianship, Medicaid and/or SSA redeterminations, and that their insurance is up to date and provides the necessary coverage.
How To Reach Us
For more information on Care Advocacy Services, please contact:
To reach us by phone, call our Northeast Ohio offices at 216-861-0360.